Recap – Europas größtes Talent Camp

– Ein unglaubliches Talent Camp liegt hinter uns, den Talenten und den vielen Partnern, denen wir sehr dankbar sind! –

Vom 25. bis 28. April 2024 veranstalteten wir in der AREA47 im Ötztal das größte Talentcamp für junge Mountainbiker in Europa.

Nachdem wir gerade vom ersten Weltcup in Brasilien mit 5 Podestplätzen zurückgekehrt sind und bewiesen haben, dass wir eines der erfolgreichsten Teams im Nachwuchsbereich sind, wollten wir jungen Talenten die Möglichkeit geben, von unserem Know-how zu profitieren.

Insgesamt 40 junge Sportler aus 12 Ländern wurden eingeladen, vier Tage mit unseren jungen Profis zu verbringen. Neben Leistungstests standen verschiedene Trainingseinheiten auf dem Programm, darunter Techniktraining in der neuen AREA47 Indoor Cycling Arena und Unterricht zu Ernährung, Trainingsgrundlagen und mentaler Stärke.

Unseren ausführlichen Bericht finden Sie hier:


„I had a great few days in the Area 47 with all the other participants and the whole TFR-team. I learnt a lot from the staff/riders and also made a lot  of new friends from all over Europe. If I get the chance to come back next year I will surely be there to learn even more“

My favourite picture: Heading out for our first ride and already getting to talk with Björn. 

Michael O.

„I had an incredible trip to Austria. I had a lot of fun and it was amazing to meet you! I had a great time and met some incredible people once again so thanks! 

Zoe P.

„In a nutshell: It was an amazing weekend.

I am deeply impressed of the professionalism of the team and the level of the young athletes. SRAM and Rock Shox had great presence due to the pros riding our products, the beach flags being highly visible and my Tech Education work shops. Furthermore we also had great presence because I had the chance to be around all days and had good exchange with the kids. Even when my work shop was over, the kids kept asking questions and there was great interaction. I feel honored they saw me as the trusted advisor. …

… I am absolutely hyped of how well the kids responded to the hand crank stand: two groups build up a mechanical Eagle drive train almost on their own. I think the photos show their level of interest and engagement pretty clearly.“

Mandy Pitcher I SRAM

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