Trek Talent Day Brazil

What an overwhelming response in Brazil, you are unbelievable!

In the IMTB Arena the talents had on April 08  the opportunity to learn more about our team, the riders and and the coaches were there to answer questions. Certainly, Giuliana translated into Portuguese as well, so that you could follow everything.
There was a great program and our talents were able to enjoy a lot of input as well as a goodie bag.

That was our schedule.:

  • 2 pm Welcome to our Meet and greet the team
    Quick Info about the team – the riders and the participants
  • 3 pm guided groupride (2,5h) MTB!!!!! (Trails – Skilltraining etc.) playing arround – having fun
  • 5:30 pm Back to Race-Venue and some Education Basics
  • 6:30 pm End of meet and greet


    We looking forward to our talent day on 8th of April. Are you born 2005 – 2010?
    For doublecheck and prepare everything, please final confirm that you participate:

    Insurance exclusion

    Please download the certificate and bring it signed to the Talent Day.

    Declaration of consent

    If you are not yet 18 years old, we also require a declaration of consent from your parents.
    Please download it and bring it also signed to the Talent Day.

    Our Schedule for the 1st Trek Talent Day in Brazil

    Please be in the following location latest 1:30 pm so you can do the registration etc. without stress and we always start on time.😊:
    IMTB Arena – Av. Dr. Thomaz Rodrigues da Cruz, 29 – FAGUNDES, Mairiporã – SP, 07625-110.
    Afterwards you will have the opportunity to learn more about our team and the riders and coaches will be available to answer your questions. Of course, Giuliana will also translate into Portuguese so that you can follow everything.

    Here is an overview of the schedule:

    • 2 pm Welcome to our Meet and greet the team
      Quick Info about the team – the riders and the participants
    • 3 pm guided groupride (2,5h) MTB!!!!! (Trails – Skilltraining etc.) playing arround – having fun
    • 5:30 pm Back to Race-Venue and some Education Basics
    • 6:30 pm End of meet and greet

    Drinks and snacks will be provided and each participant will receive a „happy day“ goodie bag!

     What to bring:

    • your Bike, ready to race, helmet and you personal equipment and good mood

    What you get:

    • Goodie Bag – T-shirt – bidon – snack
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